Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bubblews 11th Redemption, One Month Anniversary

Exactly one month ago, I made my 11th Redemption in Bubblews. This particular redemption was worth $25.41 USD. The amount wasn't very big but, for me, it's still very important and significant because my family needs every amount I can get from my online activities.

My 11th Bubblews Redemption

I contacted the CEO of Bubblews, Arvind 'Avi' Dixit, and inquired about my 11th and 12th Redemptions. He immediately replied and my 12th Redemption was paid but he forgot to pay my 11th Redemption. I contacted him again numerous times but, for some reason, he didn't reply to any of my new messages.

Now I have, not one but, four unpaid redemptions amounting to $153.48 USD in Bubblews. If there is a problem with my account and it's keeping Bubblews from paying me then I wouldn't have the slightest idea what the problem is because Bubblews hasn't told me anything.

Since Bubblews isn't saying anything, it's only fair to assume that there is nothing wrong with my account in Bubblews. Again, if there was any problem then they should have told me so that I could properly address and correct it if possible.

I've also commented numerous times on BubblewsSupport1's profile page and I'm very sure that he read them because he deleted them all already.

Anyway, I'm still hoping that Bubblews will pay all my pending redemptions including my 11th Redemption. I'm more than happy to wait but waiting is hard when I'm the only one trying to communicate. Bubblews should at least try to reply to my messages or inform me of any problems with my account (if there are any).

Join Bubblews Now!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of joining bubblews but getting paid is complicated.


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